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Insect complains mayflies awards memorial speech goes on forever.
Cruel insults & criticism mean supportive affirmations for scary ghosts & monsters.
Independence Day fireworks doctor asks lit fuse patient to pay bill right away before exploding.
Y.O.L.O. fearless skydiver only lives once, smartphone social media causes F.O.M.O. fear of missing out & nine lives F.O.L.O. cats scared of only one life.
Brief life May fly bug wears you only live one day yolo slogan T-shirt.
Scared Thanksgiving turkey misunderstands lawyer preparing will for death.
Spooky social media Halloween monsters #livingmybestafterlife photo vampire scares victims & watches TV in casket in website post.
Optimistic shriveled hospital balloon survives months longer than doctors anticipated.
Professional mayflies business office employees awards display brief lifespan employee of the minute winners.
Mad scientist frustrated monster’s smart watch move alert rises dead Frankenstien to walk.
Short life may fly on laptop posts learned everything I’ll ever know on Reddit TIL social media web site.
May fly is about to mark calendar for mayflies that’s only it’s lifespan today.